Expert swimming pond advice
We help you with everything to do with water treatment. From existing swimming ponds and pools to new construction projects, you can rely on our expertise. Whether it’s a study for a public project or making an offer for a private swimming pond, GEONET is there to support you.
As a private individual or builder, you can come to GEONET for advice and assistance in building your dream swimming pond or pool yourself. Together, we make choices about the type of construction, size, materials, purification system and finish of the water feature. We take care of the design, construction plans, advice on self-construction and follow-up of the work. You can decide which tasks you carry out and which you entrust to us. We take on the installation of the waterproofing and technical and purification plant. Together, we ensure a successful project.
GEONET offers expert swimming pond advice to construction, garden and swimming pool contractors and other professionals with little experience in water projects. Whether you need help in starting up the project, only want expertise for technical installation and waterproofing or are looking for support in implementing the technical plans: GEONET is there for you. Moreover, we provide you with the right materials and techniques for a qualitative and sustainable implementation. This saves you time and effort when looking for swimming pool or swimming pond accessories.
PUBLIC projects
Consultancy and studies
For public natural pools and swimming ponds
Our experience and expertise are a great asset when building public natural pools and swimming ponds. You can come to us for advice on materials, filter installations, design and implementation. We put the project on track with studies, designs and construction plans and provide guidance where necessary. Together with our great partners Polyplan, Biotop and Polycon, we ensure that your public swimming project is a great success.

Public projects
Support for renovations
Whether it is a renovation, a conversion to a more natural system or a problem that needs solving, GEONET’s expertise can be called in to upgrade existing swimming projects. For smaller problems, such as improving water quality, we offer quick solutions such as additional phosphate filters. We analyse water samples, give advice based on the results and monitor fluctuations in the swimming water. In short, we ensure that your swimming pool or swimming pond once again provides ultimate swimming pleasure.
We offer help and advice on:
- Installing a new waterproofing or foil.
- Upgrading or replacing the piping.
- Upgrading or replacing the filter system.